DX Informationen und Aktivitäten
Liebe Freunde, wenn Ihr Informationen über geplante DXpeditionen und Aktivtäten habt, dann bitte E-Mail (siehe Impressum oben) an uns.
Die unten aufgeführten Infos kommen von Euch und aus den üblichen News-Reflektoren (DX-MB, ARRL DX Newsletter, OhioPenn DX u.a.m.).
September, 15th 2003
- Confirmed operators for the 9-16 October activity from from Pratas Island includes HSC member DL3DXX (1469). The web
page is at http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~iota/newpage64.htm.
- Operators at the Netherlands Antilles DXpedition is HSC member John, K4BAI (1671) and others. They will be active
from Curaçao as PJ2T in the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th). QSL via N9AG.
September, 9th 2003
Ben, DJ8FW (451), will be QRV from Madeira Island CT3 from October 12th to 26tht.
September, 1st 2003
- Franz, ZL2III/DK1II (886) will be active as 3D2II from Lautoka, Viti Levu, Fiji Islands between 24 August and 2
September. He will operate in his spare time, in the local morning and evening hours, on 10-40 metres mainly CW. QSL via ZL2III (P.O.
Box 28110, Wellington, New Zealand).
- Once again Henk, PA3AWW (1648) will be working at Dormaa Hospital in Ghana. Look for him to be active as 9G1AA
in his free time from 30 August to 12 September. QSL via home call.
August, 18th 2003
- An international team of 20 operators will be active as T33C from Banaba Island during the first two weeks of April 2004
(April 4-16th). They will have 6 HF stations on the air (3 CW and 3 SSB), plus a separate 6 meter/AO-40. Activity will be on 160 to 6
meters. Participator is HSC member Greg, DF2IC (917), QSL Manager is PA5ET. Some of the team members will arrive early and enter
the CQ WPX SSB Contest from T30-land in March 2004. For updates, visit the Web page at
http://www.dx-pedition.de/banaba2004 .
- About 17 OMs and 3 XYLs will operate from Kerkennah Islands (IOTA AF-073) from November 19th to December 1st. Their activity will
include the CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 29-30th) as a Multi-2 entry using the callsign TS7N. During their time there,
they plan to have five active stations on all modes and on 160 to 6 meters. Beside others, operators are HSC members DJ9CB (504)
and DJ7IK (334). QSL via DL9USA. See also web site at http://www.qsl.net/ts7n .
- Tom, DL2RMC (1411) and others will be active as VK9XW from Christmas Island (OC-002) on October 4th to 11th and as VK9CD
from Cocos-Keeling (OC-003) on October 11th to 23rd . They will have three stations with amplifiers, beams and verticals and will operate on
all. See web site at http://www.qsl.net/vk9xt.
- Andy, G3AB (1555), will be active from Christmas Island as VK9XAB from August 30th to September 6th. Activity will be
mainly CW. This is a low key DXpedition with 100 watts and wire antennas. QSL via G3AB.
July, 21st 2003
- DF4SA (1468) and 8 CT stations will be active as CT9D from the Desertas Islands (IOTA AF-046) on 23 to 27 July, IOTA
Contest included. QSL via CS3MAD Associacao de Radioamadores da Regiao da Madeira, P.O. Box 4694, 9000 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
- Axel, DL6KVA (1647) will be active once again as 4KØCW from Baku, Azerbaijan on 4 to 17 August, including
an entry in the WAE CW Contest. Activity will be on CW only, typically in his night hours after 21 UTC. QSL via DL6KVA either
direct Axel Schernikau, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 187, 18146 Rostock, Germany or via DARC bureau.
- DL7KL (1731) and others plan to be active as XZ7A from Myanmar between 30 September and 17 October. They will have
four stations at two different operating places, one in the capital city and the other at the seaside. Activity will take place
on 160-6 metres with an emphasis on the low bands. News, online logs and pictures will be available at
http://www.qsl.net/dl7df/ during the DXpedition.
- XU, CAMBODIA Update: Danny MØGMT (1802) and Oliver DJ9AO will use their assigned callsigns between August
3 to 18th as follows: XU7ACT for normal operations and XU7ACU for the WAE CW Contest, August 9th and 10th only QSLs are
via G3SWH.
July, 10th 2003
Look for Hans, DK5JI (911). He plans to be QRV as 4U1UN next weekend, July 12th to 13tht. Provided,
a rig is available there.
June, 20th 2003
- A group of operators from the Pannon DX Club including HSC member HA5BWW
(1726) will operate from Liechtenstein on 22nd to 27th June. They will have three stations on 40 to 10 mtrs. The callsigns will
HBØ/HA5BWW/p and HBØ/HA7VK/p. QSL to HBØ/HAØKHW/p via HAØHW, all others via home calls
(direct or bureau).
- HSC member Thomas, DL2RMC (1411), and others will be active as VK9CT and VK9D from October 11th to 23rd.
Activity will be on all modes, 160 to 6 meters with a focus on the lower and the WARC bands. QSL via DL2RMC.
May, 27th 2003
- Danny MØGMT (1802) and Oliver DJ9AO, both young men, 19 and 21 years old will be active from Cambodia
from the 4th to 18th of August 2003. Call sign not known yet, XU7???. QRV on all bands 160m to 6m both CW and SSB. Please visit
the DX-pedition web site for updates and more information:
- Baltic-Sea-VHF/UHF-DX-Pedition 2003: DL5YYM (1626) and others are going on VHF/UHF DX-Pedition from May, 24th to
June, 6th 2003. Frequencies are 50,183 MHz (all modes), 144,183 MHz (HSCW), 144,283 MHz (TROPO, ES), 144,383 MHz (WSJT) and
432,183 MHz (all modes). They hope for some good Auroa and e-skip conditions. Please don't ask for skeds, just monitor the DX-Clusters.
All QSLs via DH8BQA via buerau or direct to Olli Droese, Augustenstraße 12, D-16303 Schwedt, Germany.
May, 15th 2003
Andy, G3AB (ex-G4ZVJ) (1555), will be active as TA3/G3AB in the CQ WPX CW Contest as a Single-Op (possibly
Single Band) entry. QSL via G3AB.
May, 1st 2003
Berthold, DF5WA (1675) plans to be active from Ireland (IOTA EU-115) and from Inishmore (Aran Islands,
IOTA EU-006) from May, 24th to June, 7th 2004. Activies on the Aran Islands will be on short wave bands mostly CW.
Call sign EJ/DF5WA. Starting June 1st, he plans to drive along the Irish coast using call sign EI/DF5WA.
QSLs via home call or direct to Berthold Faisst, Hegelstr. 3, 55122 Mainz, Germany.
April, 1st 2003
- DJ8FW (451) will be active as CT3AS between April, 8th and 22nd. He plans to work on 80 to 15 mtrs.
QSL via home call.
- Hugo, HB9AFH (795) and Uli, HB9CGA will be active, possibly as J3/HB9CGA, from Grenada on 12 to 23 April.
They plan to operate on 10-80 metres mainly CW. QSL via HB9CGA, either direct or through the bureau.
March, 17th 2003
- Dov Gavish, 4Z4DX (1680) will be active as 9N7DX starting April 22nd for 4 weeks. Activity is expected
to be on 160-6 meters CW and the digital modes. QSL via 4Z4DX. See also
- Andy, DJ7IK (334) announced that the planned DXpedition (Callsign TS7N) to Kerkennah Island from
March 21st to April 1st has been cancelled due to the insecure political situation. Their plans now are to try again at
the end of November with participation in the CQWW DX Contest. They will update this information as soon as they receive
their license.
February, 18th 2003
- The "World-Wide Young Contesters" will be sponsoring a DX operation in Samoa, 5W from August 4-14th.
Operators will include MØGMT (1802) and others. Operations will be on 160-6 meters CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK-31 and with
two stations active 24 hours a day. QSL via N1SNB.
- George, SP2PI (380) will operate as HF2VL from 25 February to 31 March to elebrate his 45th anniversary of activity
on the amateur radio bands. QSL via home call (Jerzy H. Wojniusz, Matejki 56/39, 87-100 Torun, Poland).
January, 28th 2003
- Dieter, DJ9ON (652) and others are the operators for the second DXpedition to Ducie Island. They expect to
be QRV on all HF bands SSB, CW and RTTY plus 6 metres and AO-40, starting on 8-9 March for about a week. The call sign will
be announced shortly before the operation begins. QSL via JR2KDN. The pilot stations will be JE2EHP, DJ8NK and WA2MOE. The
web pages for the operation are
www.qsl.net/wd4ngb/ducie.htm and
- Ben, DL6RAI (1133) will operate from Tobago Island from February 11th through March 3rd. Activity will include
the ARRL DX SSB and CW Contests. Operations will be CW/SSB and RTTY on 160-10 meters, including the WARC bands. Call sign will
be 9Y4/DL6RAI (QSL via DL6RAI) and during the ARRL Contests, 9Y4TBG (QSL via DL4MEH).
- Norbert, F6AXX (1216) will be active as 6W7/F6AXX from Saly, Senegal from 25 January to 7 February. His
favourite mode is CW and he plans to operate mainly during his morning and night hours on or around 14.035, 18.090, 21.035,
24.105 and 28.035 kHz. QSL via F6AXX either direct or through the bureau.
January, 15th 2003
- Gerd, DJ4KW (273) and his wife Gisela, DK9GG will be active as V31YN and V31GW from Belize from
January, 9th until February, 25tht. QSL via home calls.
- DJ4SO (345) will be QRV as PJ6/DJ4SO from Saba Island during January 15th to February 5tht.
Activity will be on 160 to 6 meters. QSL to home call.
January, 1st 2003
- Arno, DL1CW (1714) and Andy, DL3GA plan to be active from Cape Coast from February 5-18th as 9G5AP
(DL1CW) and 9G5GA (DL3GA) Activity will be on 80-10 meters, including the WARC bands. Participation in the
ARRL-DX (CW) is also planned.
- Dietmar, DL3DXX (1469) and other German hams planning to activate Sudan as STØRY.
They will start their operation in March and stay approx. 3 weeks. Their focus will be the Low Bands, WARC Bands, RTTY
and 6 meters (in this order). Currently, they have plans for 3 HF stations (with amps), 3 Quarter Wave GP for the
Low Bands, some Yagis for 10-20 meters (incl. WARC) and some wire.
Jump to DX-Info 2002