HSC Activity Day

The HSC invites all friends and member to take part at the HSC Activity Day. The HSC Activity Day is on the 15th day on each month. HSC
Centre of activity is on 80 meters and 40 meters from 20 to 40 kHz.
HSC members should suit their code speed to the abilities of their QSO partners. See you on the bands!

The Handshake QSO

On the activity day, the clubstation DLØHSC will be available for handshake-QSOs on 3521 kHz between 6 to 8 pm german local time. A handshake-QSO is a short QSO containing greeting, report and a minimum of additional information. Handshake-QSOs are offered with the following target groups in mind: The use of a keyboard or a cw decoder is considered inappropriate.

Contacts of the last activity day:

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