Telegraphy contests

The HSC Contest
1. Date and time Last Sunday in February and first Sunday in November.

Time is from 14 to 17 UTC.

HSC Contests 2025 are on February 23rd and November 2nd, 2025.
2. Frequencies 3.5 MHz, 7 MHz, 14 MHz, 21 MHz und 28 MHz
3. Mode CW only
4. Stations to work All. Every station may be worked once per band.
5. Categories
  1. HSC members (max. 100 watts HF output)
  2. Non-members (max. 100 watts HF output)
  3. QRP (members and non-members, max. 5 watts HF output)
  4. SWL
  5. Checklog
6. Report Report RST and HSC membership number, e.g. 599 1688.
Non-members: RST and NM, e.g. 599 NM.
No exchange of serial numbers. No slash after report anymore.
7. QSO points
  • 5 points per QSO with a member of the HSC of 1951.
  • 2 points per QSO with a non-member.
  • 1 multi per new DXCC country for a QSO per band (regardless of HSC member or not).
  • QSOs with stations not submitting a Cabrillo contest log, will not be counted, unless their call signs show up at least 10 times in the overall log database.
8. Summary Total score = Sum of QSO points multiplied with the sum of all multis.
9. Log files
  1. Log submission online only, see under 10.
  2. Data format is Cabrillo only. This format can be produced e.g. with the contest software from ARCOMM. This program was adapted specially for the HSC-Contest and is available for free.
  3. SWL: The same station must only appear in the log five times maximum.
  4. Deadline for all logs is 2 weeks after the contest.
  5. The results are published via the HSC Bulletin and on this HSC web site.
10. Send the log files to Submit your log file via the contest evaluator here:

The status and the progress of submitted logs is available here as well.
For queries only (not log submission): Jörg Hahn, PA1MUC / DL3LUM,
11. Award The "HSC Contest Champion of the Year" trophies will be awarded to those participants who have won a category in each of the HSC February and November contests of a given calendar year. The entry categories chosen in the two contests need not be the same. It should be noted that, to be eligible for a trophy, there has to be a minimum of ten participants in the category for which the winning claim is made.
12. Results
(Acrobat PDF)
February 2025 Feb/Nov 2024 Feb/Nov 2023 Feb/Nov 2022
Feb/Nov 2021 Feb/Nov 2020 Feb/Nov 2019 Feb/Nov 2018
Feb/Nov 2017 Feb/Nov 2016 Feb/Nov 2015 Feb/Nov 2014
Feb/Nov 2013 Feb/Nov 2012 Feb/Nov 2011 Feb/Nov 2010
Feb/Nov 2009 Feb/Nov 2008 Feb/Nov 2007 Feb/Nov 2006
Feb/Nov 2005 Feb/Nov 2004 Feb/Nov 2003 Feb/Nov 2002
Feb/Nov 2001 Feb/Nov 2000 Feb/Nov 1999 Feb/Nov 1998
Feb/Nov 1997 Feb/Nov 1996 Feb/Nov 1995 Feb/Nov 1994
Feb/Nov 1993 Feb/Nov 1992 Feb/Nov 1991 Nov 89/90

German Telegraphy Contest
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Telegrafie
  • Radio Telegraphy High Speed Club
Rules For contest rules see the web site of AGCW-DL. Deadline for log submissions is October 17th of the year.
Results The contest results will also be published on the web site of the AGCW-DL.