
Here you can find some interesting links. Click on the logo or call sign. If you have a good hint for an interesting link, just contact us via e-mail.

xHSC Official home pages of our sister clubs VHSC, SHSC and EHSC.
Learn CW Online Learn morse telegraphy online using your web browser
EUCW Europes CW Headquarter: The European CW Association EUCW
Homepage of GØTUE also dedicated to morse code.
FMC Friends of SF.B. Morse Club
RufzXP High speed telegraphy callsign training software
UFT Union Françaises des Télégraphistes, the daily morse code challenge
HTC Helvetia Telegraphy Club
QRQ Point QRQ Point 3567 kHz
FOC First Class CW Operators Club
Essex CW ARC Essex CW Amateur Radio Club
HST High Speed Telegraphy