The HSC-Marathon

HSC invites all its members and non-members alike to a real big challenge. Since 1996 the HSC marathon took place every year. You have the chance of meeting HSC members and to join the community of high speed telegraphy.

Date A marathon in general is a long term running event, and the HSC marathon is quite similar. It starts on January 1st every year at 00:00 UTC and lasts until December 31st same year at 24:00 UTC.
Frequencies All frequencies are allowed (regarding your local licensing regulations).
Mode CW only
Stations to work HSC members and non-members work HSC members. Every station once per band. Every 2-Way QSOs are valid for the marathon (i.e. common rag chewing as well as contacts made in contests).
Categories No categories. Sorry, there's no SWL category.
QSO points HSC members count one point per QSO and per band. No multiplier
Result Result = Sum of QSO points
Online HSC
Marathon Calculator
Our member Fabian, DJ5CW offers an online tool at his website for analyzing an ADIF logbook file.
Awards   The winner receives a special HSC trophy, donated by DK5JI.
Log file
Send your log file (sorted by call sign or HSC membership number, but not by date!) to the HSC Marathon Manager. The HSC Marathon Manager confirms via e-mail every single log he reveived via e-mail. Only confirmed e-mail logs are valid for the marathon results evaluation!

Andreas (Andy) Adler, DK9HE, E-Mail

Deadline is January 31st of the subsequent year.
Certificate All radio amateurs who have submitted a log receive a special HSC Marathon certificate. The certificate is of size of a common QSL card and will be sent to the amateur via QSL bureau automatically.

HSC Marathon certificate
(Acrobat PDF)
PDFMarathon 2023 PDFMarathon 2022 PDFMarathon 2021 PDFMarathon 2020
PDFMarathon 2019 PDFMarathon 2018 PDFMarathon 2017 PDFMarathon 2016
PDFMarathon 2015 PDFMarathon 2014 PDFMarathon 2013 PDFMarathon 2012
PDFMarathon 2011 PDFMarathon 2010 PDFMarathon 2009 PDFMarathon 2008
PDFMarathon 2007 PDFMarathon 2006 PDFMarathon 2005 PDFMarathon 2004
PDFMarathon 2003 PDFMarathon 2002 PDFMarathon 2001 PDFMarathon 2000
PDFMarathon 1999 PDFMarathon 1998 PDFMarathon 1997 PDFMarathon 1996