
Distinction presented to DL1VDL at the HAMRADIO 2019

Ehrung DL1VDL auf der HAMRADIO 2019

OM Hardy, DL1VDL (776), who is well known by his regular propagation forecast column in the DARC club magazin CQ-DL, was honored for his long-standing services for the HSC by HSC president Felix, DL5XL at the HAMRADIO convention 2019. Hardy continues to support HSC by running the WHSC certificate program. The HSC thanks him for his commendable commitment and great team spirit.

HSC Meeting at Erwitte 2019

HSC Meeting Erwitte 2019

Holger, DK4LX, current secretay of HSC, who chaired this year's HSC assembly on May 19th, was happy to welcome numerous HSC members who engaged in lively discussions of ideas surrounding various aspects of CW communication.

HSC Meeting Erwitte 2019

This included an informative Powerpoint presentation by Joerg, PA1MUC, on the intricacies of a fair evaluation of the the biannual HSC contests.

HSC Meeting Erwitte 2019

Felix, DL5XL (1572) was introduced as new President HSC to the assembly.

HSC Meeting Erwitte 2019

Parting president, Hans, DK5JI, was presented with a decorative plaque for 19 years of untiring engagement for HSC.


While visiting the Newengland States, Hans DK5JI (911) also visited ARRL club station W1AW at Newingon, CT. On behalf of the HSC Hans presented a special HSC jubilee award to the W1AW Manager Joe Carcia, NJ1Q. The Assistant Manager, Field Services and Radiosport, Norm Fusaro, W3IZ attended too.


OM Mato, 9A3SM (1643) sent us pictures from his 9AFF activties.
9AFF an international award project organized to attract attention of the world community to the problems of protected areas, to provide them with feasible practical support, to waken a feeling of pride in the minds of the Earths inhabitants for natural and cultural heritage, for visiting National Parks and Nature Reserves and making QSO contacts with them.


Horst, DM3KF (1811) sent us this set of pictures (slideshow).
They show Horst's CW activity using a 90 cm long monoband mobile antenna for 40 meters.
Horst also was QRV from Rewal lighthouse in Poland.

WHSC60 awarded to W1AW

On May 7th 2012 Hardy, DL1VDL visited ARRL Headquarters.
On this occasion the WHSC60 Award has been granted to ARRL club station W1AW.
(left to right: Hardy DL1VDL, Joe NJ1Q, Dave K1ZZ)


Fred, HB9DAX sent us this picture showing his CW activity SOTA at Arosa/Weißhorn (Graubünden, Switzerland).
Rig is a 5 Watt HF transceiver and FD3 antenna.


Jo, DJ4EY took this two pictures during holdiday in British Columbia, Canada. He found this scene at the Canadian Pacific Railway museum in Revelstoke.


OM Bert, DK7QB sent us this picture and writes: "Greetings from Nothern Sweden de Bert, DK7QB, HSC 1086. I moved to Northern Sweden nearly 15 months ago. The call signes i'm using are SA2BRN and SE2I (contests only). "


This picture we received from OM "Ben" (Valentin), 5B4AGM HSC 249 (ex UC2AA, ex EU1AA) showing him in his Shack.

K3 bei HB9DAX

Beside his Elecraft K2, Manfred, HB9DAX (1838), enjoys DXing using his new K3. He sent us these two pictures of his shack.


Karl, DL1VU (415), world well known DXpeditioneer and also author of technical papers sent us this picture, showing him in his shack.


It was with sorrow that we had to announce the passing of W1PL, Dr. Laci Radnay (HSC 13) on February 2008. Laci died at the age of 96. As a first-hour member our club is connected to him in a special manner.

Born in 1912 in Hungary, he already was QRV in 1927. Before the HSC was founded in 1951 and even before the DL licences were granted in 1949, he had been a demanded QSO partner as HA4EA and HA4SA with self builded gear and special interest in DXing. Moving to the USA soon after the connection did not break off, in a short time he was again active under W1PL to the very end.

All those who knew him will hold Laci in fond remembrance as a well-versed and unpretentious, a friendly and exemplary ham. (DL1TL/DLØHSC)

Polar station HB9DAX

At the beginning of polar research, radio communication was the only one connection to civilization. Although satellite communication is the up-to-date used link at today's polar research stations, most stations are on the air using amateur radio, too. Read more about the activities of our member Manfred, HB9DAX (1838) and the magazine Polarnews as PDF file (both in German language only).


OM Chris, G3SJJ (right) became member of HSC on June 19th. His membership award has been presented to Chris during his visit at the HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen 2007.
The picture shows Chris together with Hans, DK5JI and Jens, DL7AKC.

OM Dov Gavish, 4Z4DX

OM Dov, 4Z4DX (1680) sent us these pictures. Enjoy.

Adi, DL3SZ

OM Adi, DL3SZ (141), sent us this picture. Adi is active on the amateur band a couple of hours a day. He's always seeking for new DXCC entities, US counties and IOTAs. But his main interest still rests on the HSC. He provided many oldtimer's QSL cards on our web site.

Adi celebrate his 84th birthday at March, 20th 2005. The HSC congratulates Adi!

G0RTN at A45XR

This picture was sent to us from Gerry, GØRTN (1850), working at A45XR (729) during a
holiday trip in Oman. Gerry was active as A4/GØRTN.

Pictures and short stories like this are always welcome! Please contact
the HSC Webmaster. See the legal notice for address.

DL2JRM in Afghanistan

This picture, which we received from René, shows him, DL2JRM (1804) at his QRL in Afghanistan.
René had been deployed there while serving a as communication expert. He also was QRV on the amateur radio bands as YA/DL2JRM and YA7X.

SP3CW and M0GMT in London

HSC members Art SP3CW (1821) (left) and Danny MØGMT (1802) (right)
recently met in London, whilst SP3CW was in the U.K.

Gerald, DL4KG (1018) wrote us about his way in prevailing problems last VHF field day. Congrats to the contest crew. You see, there's no excuses for doing no CW:

"Hi dear HSC friends,
last VHF field day we could make a couple of good CW contacts. Unfortunately we forgot to bring a CW keyer. But for a genuine CW friend, that's not a real problem: I simply used the relay tone key on the rear of the microphone. That way I made CW contacts over more than 600 km. See the picture.

73 from Stuttgart de
Gerald - DL4KG (HSC 1018)"
Keying CW with 1750 Hz relay call tone


Tower and beams were built up again after stormy weather have thrown them down: Bottom 2-ele yagi for 40m, in the middle 11-ele yagi (5-ele for 10m and 3 ele twice for 15m and 20m). At the top 3-ele yagi for 12m/17m and rotary dipole for 30m
The picture to the left we received from Joe, DL4CF (1259). It shows Joe working in his shack in Reinsdorf (Sachsen-Anhalt). Joe is QRV in nearly all modes. We assume, he prefers "amateur radio", abbreviated "CW"...

Tower mit Beam von DL4CF

OM Toffy, DJ6ZM (889) sent us these two pictures. Toffy shows, what one can understand under the "HSC-Marathon", hi.

We suppose, that this gear powers the K2. Equipped with magnetic loop antenna, logbook and keyer you can work a lot of QSOs.

But we still have to wait and see, if condition is sufficient for extensive ragchewing. For security reasons, a gel-cell battery serves as power backup.

But what's that? The K2's microphone plug is covered by a dust cap! Don't worry: This behaviour is quite usual of species homo telegraphista.

And it remembers the author of this lines to two telegraphy friends during a meeting in Undeloh/Germany several years ago:
"Hey, what's your microphone doing?"
"It's collecting dust!"

Our member Edi, DJØZM (910) sent us this picture.

Edi writes:

Hi friends,

this picture was taken in 1990 in Buedingen. Is there anybody who doesn't know "VIC", OE5PV? On the left his XYL.
And the guy on the right? Well, that time I was even younger!

Greetings from Edi DJ0ZM
XYL von OE5PV, OE5PV und DJ0ZM

On the occassion of HSC's 50 year anniversary our clubstation DAØHSC was activated by several radio amateurs. Joe, DL4CF, worked with A52ED. An indian SWL has listened to that QSO and sent us the QSL card shown below (Tnx DL2SD).

SWL-QSL-Karte von VU-0020 DL4CF
SWL-QSL from VU-0020 OP of that QSO: Joe, DL4CF (1259)

This picture we received from our members Ric, DL2SD (705) and Norbert, DJ3TU (1789). It was taken at the fieldday of the German local group "Z46". (Tnx DL2SD)