HSC News

July 18th, 2024
This year's HSC booth at the HAMRADIO 2024 convention was again visited by hamradio friends from all over the world, to include N2KW, Allen, from New York City. Frank's (DL2CC) station was remote operated as DAØHSC.

Toffy's, (DJ6ZM) paddle collection and remote station met with a lot of interest as well as Ingo's (DL6LBI) homemade Arduino based elbugs. Winner of the RufzXP competition were HG8CK (36198), HA3NU (35361) and DL2CC (33599).

Sadly, Wolfgang, DJ7PW (396) and Tom, DL7NJ (1797) passed away. Tom has always been a stalwart supporter of HSC and will be missed at the HSC booth at future Hamradio hamfests in Friedrichshafen. RIP Wolf and Tom.

June 16th, 2024
HAM RADIO 2024 The HSC is present at the HAM RADIO fair Friedrichshafen, held from June 28th to 30th, 2024. You'll find us in exhibiton hall A1 at booth 390.

April 7th, 2024
We would like to welcome OM Chris, G5VZ as a new member to the HSC. Chris signes HSC 2018. His sponsors are G4BSW, DK1WU, DL1VDL, IZ2FME and DK4LX. Welcome Chris!

March 25th, 2024
We would like to welcome OM Andres, EA2AJB as a new member to the HSC. Andres signes HSC 2017. His sponsors are G4BSW, DF7TV, WØVTT, IKØIXI and DK4LX. Welcome Andres!

March 18th, 2024
Here we have the final results of the HSC Contest February 2024. The HSC congratulates the winners of the four sections: Thank you for participating at the HSC contest and see you again November 3rd, 2024! The results in detail are shown in a PDF file you may download on the Contests section.

More news of the past weeks:

February 27th, 2024
We would like to welcome OM Josep, EA6BF as a new member to the HSC with number 2016. His sponsors are CT1BQH, SM3EVR, EA6EJ, EA4BB, G3SJJ, OZ4UN and IKØYVV. Welcome Josep! EA6BF was already valid for the HSC contest two days ago.

Our member HSC 1360, GW4MVA moved to Lanzarote (Canary Islands), using the call sign EA8DNT.

February 23rd, 2024
We would like to congratulate Reinhard "Red" DL1BUG (1704) for winning the HSC Marathon 2023! See the results in detail as PDF file for download in the Marathon section.

February 10th, 2024
The HSC welcomes OM Ignazio "Nacho", EA4OR, as a new member to the club. Nacho signes HSC 2015. His sponsors are CT1BQH, EA4KA, EA6EJ, EA4BB and EA1ARW. Welcome Nacho!

More news of the past weeks:

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