HSC News 2015

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December 24th, 2015
The HSC would like to wish all members and friends Merry Christmas!

In 2016, the Radiotelegraphy High Speed Club (HSC) is celebrating its 65th anniversary. To mark this event, HSC was granted the special DOK number HSC65 to be used by its club stations DAØHSC, DKØHSC and DLØHSC throughout the year.

Furthermore, the special callsign DP65HSC was assigned to HSC to be activated exclusively in CW. It will also use the special DOK number HSC65. This station may be operated in 2016 by any German HSC member upon special application. QSL via bureau, DCL or LoTW.

December 16th, 2015
Here we have the results of the November 2015 HSC Contest for you. The winners are:
1. HSC member: DL5XJ 2. Non-member: LY3QA 3. QRP: OE3KAB 4. SWL: US-Q-73

Congrats to the winners and thank you all for participating! See the PDF file for the results in detail.

The HSC sadly has to announce that two members passed away: HSC 986, OM Hermann, DJ3WM and HSC 1649, YL Karin, DK2EF.

November 9th, 2015
In 2016 the HSC celebrates its 65th anniversary. Therefore we will be qrv from January 1st until December 31st, 2016 using the special callsign DP65HSC and issuing special DOK HSC65.

Callsign changes:
October 19th, 2015
The HSC will be with a booth at the Interradio fair in Hannover, Germany October 24th, 2015.

We deeply regret that HSC 886, OM Franz, DK1II has become a silent key.

September 18th, 2015
We would like to welcome two new members to the club: Welcome to the HSC and enjoy high speed telegraphy!

September 11th, 2015
We deeply regret the passing of our member Hans DL6TQ (174), who died at the age of 97.

July 30th, 2015
We'd like to introduce OM Gerhard, OE6RDD as a new member to the club. Gerhard is HSC 1940. Welcome!

HSC 1762, ex-DH3MG was given the new callsign DM4CW.

July 24th, 2015
As member no. 1939 we'd like to welcome OM Pino, IK7OFI. Welcome to the HSC, Pino!

July 13th, 2015
The HSC would like to welcome OM Erick, F6GWL as a new member to the club. Eric signes HSC 1938. Welcome!

July 3rd, 2015
Here's a selection of Ingos DL6LBI pictures taken at the HAM RADIO 2015. Download the complete set of Ingos pictures. Thank you, Ingo.

June 3rd, 2015
HAM RADIO 2013 This years HAM RADIO takes place from June 26th to 28th 2015. Again the HSC is present in exhibition hall A1, booth 546. HSC members and friends are always very welcome! See you in Friedrichshafen!

April 15th, 2015
The HSC welcomes OM Carlo, IK1GKH as a new member to the club. Carlo is HSC 1937. Welcome!

We regret that HSC 830, OM Mirek, VK6DXI and SP5IXI passed away.

March 23rd, 2015
The HSC would like to welcome three new members: Welcome to the club!

Here we have the results of the February 2015 HSC Contest for you. The winners are:
1. HSC member: DL1BUG 2. Non-member: DL4ME 3. QRP: DK7ZH 4. SWL: FE 9780

Congrats to the winners and thank you all for participating! See the PDF file for the results in detail.

We mourne that OM Udo, DL6KAJ (1276) has become a silent key.

March 9th, 2015
Again we would like to introduce two new members to the club: Welcome Chris and Kim!

The HSC mournes the passing of Ernst, DK7AN (525). Ernst was a member since March 1966, he has joined the club as DM3ZCG.

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death of Lou, PAØLOU (238). Lou died in hospital after a short illness. He was member of HSC since April 1957, Chairman of IARU Region 1 for 27 years until his retirement in 2002 and Founder and Chairman of VHSC and an active member of FOC. He will be sorely missed by his many colleagues and friends around the world.

February 27th, 2015
The HSC would like to welcome OM Thomas, DK1EY, as a new member. Thomas is HSC 1931.
We deeply regret that OM Hans, DF1GH (935) passed away.

Our member Emil, DL8JJ (1891) is QRV as 7QAA from Malawi March 10th to 22nd, 2015.

February 3rd, 2015
The HSC would like to congratulate the Winner of the HSC Marathon 2014: YL Tina, DL5YL (1030). See the Marathon section for total results. Thank you all for your participation.

We deeply regret the passing of OM Michael DF9DM (1657) who became a silent key November 2014. We recently have learned that swedish members of our club passed away some years ago: OM Bob SM4CMG (417), OM Curt SM5AHK (192), OM Jan SM5DGA (806), OM Ake SM5UH (138), OM Urb SM6CST (399) und OM Piotr SM7YEA (965).

January 7th, 2015
The HSC would like to wish all friends and members a happy new Year!

Sadly we have to announce that OM Lutz DL7USA (719) passed away.

Please forward your HSC Marathon logs to the HSC Marathon Manager DL8LBK. Please pay attention to the new e-mail address, see Marathon section. Deadline is January 31st.

The next HSC Contest is on Sunday February 22nd, 2015.

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