HSC News 2003

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December 31st, 2003
Happy New Year! The HSC would like to wish all members and friends a Happy New Year 2004!
In 2003, the HSC has welcome 19 friends of high speed keying as new members!
Last call for the HSC Marathon: Only a few hours are remaining for the very last QSOs valid for the 2003 Marathon. Go on!

December 27th, 2003
The results of the HSC Contest from November 2003 are ready:
  1. The winner in category 1 "HSC Members" are TA2DA (1597) (DX) and HA1CW (1744) (EU).
  2. In category 2 "Non-Members" has won by OK1HX.
  3. Winner of category 3 "QRP" is DK3UZ (1823).
  4. The winner of the SWL category is one more time DE3JLU (1214). Therefore, OM Uwe again is the "HSC Contest Champion of the Year". Congratulations! OM Uwe receives a special award donated at the HSC member assembly to be held next spring in Erbenhausen, Germany.
Congratulations to all winners and participants! Everybody who has submitted the log to the HSC Contest Manager Lutz, DL3BZZ (1730) gets a special HSC Contest QSL Card via the bureau.

Only 58 HSC members out of 312 participants submitted their log to the Contest Manager. It could be more! We've logged stations of 53 different countries. See the detailed results in section Contests for download as PDF file. As mentioned earlier, the rules of the HSC Contest have been modified slightly, efdective 2004. See section Contest or download as PDF file for a detailed description of the changed rules.

Pirate: Martin, OK1RR (731) reports that his call sign is often pirated as OK1RR/QRP on 40 metres by a CW operator who gives "Jan" as his name and "nr Usti" as QTH. The genuine Martin Kradoska, OK1RR from Prague, is a 30-50 wpm operator and never uses QRP equipment/call.

December 24th, 2003

The HSC would like to wish all members and friends Merry Christmas!

The rules of the HSC contest have been altered slightly. Starting 2004, every QSO with a member of the HSC (founded 1951) counts 5 points. QSOs with nonmembers count 1 point per QSO. The result is the sum of all QSO points without further distinction of DX, EU or local QSOs.

December 15th, 2003
Only two weeks are remaining for the HSC-Marathon. You have to work as much HSC members as possible within one calendar year. Complete your log by December 31st using the special Marathon tick sheet. You only have to fill in the date the QSOs took place. After that, send it to the Marathon Manager (Werner, DF5DD) by mail or E-Mail. Delete all blank lines and the file is getting much smaller.

The HSC welcomes as a new member OM Sico, YO6EX. Sico got membership number 1832.

November 29th, 2003
The very active OM Werner, DK6AP achieved the WHSC Sticker 7 MHz and ALLBAND. Therefore, he got all Stickers available for his WHSC Award No. 292. Congratulations!

November 6th, 2003
3B9C-DXpedition: Mid March 2004, a new DXpedition starts working from the Rodrigues Islands, 3B9. Participants are HSC members Jens, DL7AKC (1371) and Danny, MØGMT (1802). Their call sign 3B9C has been already assigned by the local authorities. The core team is just the same that has run the D68C DXpedition some time ago. For more details, see their web site at www.fsdxa.com/3b9c. We will keep you informed via our DX-Info site.

More news: October 27th, 2003
Dear friends of morse telegraphy, on the 2nd of November the HSC-Contest will take place from 9 to 11 and 15 to 17 UTC. Please try to take part and motivate operators in your area to do the same! Since 1998 HSC rewards the "HSC Contestchampion Of The Year". To get this award you have to win both contests in the year. There is no need to stay within the same category. You may combine any categories (i.e. SWL in February contest and QRP in November contest). The winner receives a special award.

More news that came up in the past days: October 20th, 2003
The news just reached the editor's desk: October 14th, 2003
The HSC Award Manager issued WHSC Award No. 363 to OM Karl, DL1JFM (1816). Congrats, Karl!

By the way: It is only the fifth award that has been issued this year. But, indeed, the regulations for obtaining the WHSC Award are quite simple: Work 100 different HSC members of at least 10 DXCC countries using 3 different amateur bands. CW only, of course. Contest QSOs are valid, too! So come on guys, take a look at your logbook. More details see the Award section.

October 10th, 2003
Last call: The HSC-Marathon is a challenge to every active friend of morse telegraphy, to work as much HSC members as possible within one calendar year. The log must contain the members worked, his HSC membership number, QSO band and date. We are offering a special Marathon tick sheet (MS Excel formatted) for download in which you only have to fill in your QSO data. After completing the sheet, send it to the Marathon Manager (Werner, DF5DD) by mail or E-Mail. Delete all blank lines and the file is getting much smaller. See the The Marathon section for details.

Here are the most recent call sign changes: September 22nd, 2003
See the fresh news we've just received! September 11th, 2003
"Let your fingers talk..." might be the credo of two OM who have joined us just now: OM Steffen, DL4AKW becomes HSC 1827 and OM Mike, DL7UGN, is member no. 1828. Welcome to the club and have fun with morse telegraphy!

September 9th, 2003
New HSC member is OM Klaus, DL2SWN, 1826. Welcome to HSC! WHSC-Award No. 362 was granted to DL2PA (1788). Congrats! Kurt, DJ7ER (493) has been a silent key for a while, but we unfortunately got that information just now.

Here are some more changed call signs: Ex-PA3AAM, (862) is now PA3A, ex-PA3EYZ (1247) is PA4A and ex-PA5AX (569) holds now PA5V. Please let us know if you're considering about changing your call sign for that we can keep our files up-to-date. Membership lists can be requested from the HSC Secretary (SASE provided) or you can download the list from our home page.

August 18th, 2003
Here are some changes to the HSC membership list: All changes are implemented in the recent HSC membership list.

July 21st, 2003

June 20th, 2003
HAM RADIO 2003 This year's HAM RADIO in Friedrichshafen, Germany, will be held from 27th to 29th June 2003. Again, the HSC will be at the fairground. You'll find us in hall 2, booth 302. There you can meet HSC members and officials, get new membership lists, HSC stickers, pins and HSC mousepads.

A small picture gallery showing the HSC Oldtimer is online again. The gallery contains scanned QSL cards from OPs of the HSC's very first beginning back in 1951. For some OPs, pictures are available, too. But unfortunately we do not have scanned QSL cards from all these OP. If you can help, please let us know! Here are some more news that came up in the past days:

May 29th, 2003
The HSC welcomes OM Kevin, MØAGA as member no. 1824.

May 27th, 2003
HSC Bulletin: Every first Saturday of each month, HSC Club Station DLØHSC broadcasts the monthly HSC Bulletin. The broadcast starts at 15 UTC on 7,025 KHz. After it is finished, ZAP traffic will take place. This gives you the opportunity to work the special DOK HSC, valid for German DLD Award. Take a look at the new Club Station section for learning more.

Next HSC Bulletin is on June 7th, 2003. At this date, IARU Region 1 CW Fieldday is on the air. Take the opportunity and let us hear from you! Here's some more news:

May 15th, 2003
We have some news regarding the HSC Contest: Some logs sent via E-Mail to the HSC Contest Manager obviously didn't arrived. Contest participants have wondered about that they didn't appear in the results list. As a prevention to that, we have implemented new regulations:
The HSC Contest Manager (Lutz, DL3BZZ) confirms via e-mail every single log he reveived via e-mail. Only confirmed e-mail logs are valid for the contest results evaluation!
This gives the participants the opportunity to make an inquiry if an e-mailed log fails. The same rules apply to the HSC Marathon. Please have in mind, that this does not affect logs sent by snail mail. By the way: In the past, the HSC Contest Manager has reported the incoming logs on his home page including those sent by mail.
Here's another topic: We have added some call signs to the recent Erbenhausen 2003 Picture Gallery. This is possibly interesting for those who didn't attend the meeting. Take a look at the eyeball QSO partners you've missed...
May 7th, 2003

May 1st, 2003

April 24th, 2003
Here are the winners of the HSC Contest of February 23rd, 2003:
  1. HSC member category: DF5ZV (1765)
  2. DX category: EA8/DJ1OJ (368)
  3. Non member category: DL8KWS
  4. QRP category: DF6AR
  5. SWL category: DE3JLU
Congratulations to the winners! Every participant, who have submitted his log to the Contest Manager Lutz, DL3BZZ (1730), will receive a special confirmation card containing call sign and place via the bureau. For the results in detail, you may take a look at the website of the Contest Manager or just in section Contests.
Here are some more news of the past weeks:

April 1st, 2003
You may take a look at the new HSC Webforum. It has been installed as an additional offer according to the HSC guestbook. You may ask questions, give some hints and kinks, start discussions or anything else you would like to mention. Please have the unwritten laws of ham spirit in mind. Here are some more news:

March 17th, 2003

February 25th, 2003

February 18th, 2003
Take a look at the results of HSC Marathon 2002! The HSC would like to congratulate 9A5I (527), who has won once again the HSC Marathon. Also, DF4BV (1721) as second and DL4CF (1259) as third have done a great job. See the Marathon section (bottom) for more details or just click the link above. In 2002, 39 friends of high speed morse telegraphy have submitted their log to the Marathon Manager. This is more than twice as much, compared to the last years. As mentioned earlier, everybody who has submitted a log, receives a special Marathon-QSL as confirmation via QSL bureau. See bottom of section Marathon.
Please don't forget the upcoming HSC Contest next Sunday, February 23rd, 2003. As usual, the contest is divided into two parts: First part from 9 to 11 UTC, second from 15 to 17 UTC. For more information, see section Contests.

Last, but not least we have to announce some more news:
February 12th, 2003
Here's the lastest HSC news ticker: January 28th, 2003
January 20th, 2003
January 15th, 2003
January 6th, 2003
January 1st, 2003
From now on, most content of this web site is also available in English language. If you read this, you've just found the way to the English speaking pages. Enjoy!

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